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What does NSFW mean?


NSFW stands for "Not Safe for Work". An NSFW article may contain mature (or inappropriate) material that isn't suitable all viewers including children, church moms, puritans, boomers or sensitive hipsters. 

Mostly Joke articles are the only ones to be potentially and most likely marked with NSFW for the viewer may not wish to be seen looking at in a public, formal or controlled environment.

Environments that may be problematic include workplaces, schools, and family settings. NSFW has particular relevance for people trying to make personal use of the Internet at workplaces or schools which have policies prohibiting access to mature and controversial subject matter.

 Any Joke article that is marked content may contain, political incorrectness, profanity, slurs, graphic violence, sexual inuendo or other potentially controversial and thematic subject matter in literary form.

We do not sugar-coat anything.

A similar expression, Not Safe for Life (NSFL), is also used on the Internet, referring to content which is so nauseating or disturbing that it might be emotionally scarring to view. However, we never make such an article.

If you ever see an article (or a webpage from another website) that has is marked with NSFW, please think before you click on it.