To subscribe to Storyteller via RSS (Really Simple Syndication), go to the main page.
On the left upper corner, you'll see "Subscribe to Nothing" or "Love Us Back Because We So" with the RSS icon,click posts, to see receive notification for every post) or all comments, to receive notifications for all comments on each post.
Then, you'll have multiple feed readers to choose from: My Yahoo, Netvibes or etc.. You can still use other feed-readers if you don't use these other services. Click on one of them and you have finally subscribed to Storyteller.
Here's the list of popular feed readers to use to subscribe to Storyteller.
If you don't have any of these feed readers and already have a third-party RSS feed reader or app, simply click on the RSS icon,
and you have finally subscribed to Storyteller. If you don't have a feed reader or app, then it will just show RSS feed code.
Does Storyteller support Atom and Eve?
Yes...except for Eve. Optionally you can also subscribe to Storyteller with an Atom feed. On the upper left corner you'll see a purple atom icon,
click on that and you have finally subscribed to Storyteller with an Atom feed. Requires a feed reader compatible with Atom.
Does Storyteller support JSON?
Yes... except for the Argonauts. The JSON format is quite new , to subscribe, go to the upper left corner and you'll see the green JSON icon,
and you have finally subscribed to Storyteller with an JSON feed. Requires a feed reader compatible with JSON.
Does subscribing to Storyteller cost anything?
No, it's free like a bird.
Last updated: 2/17/22